10 Horror Movies With Amazing Concepts But TERRIBLE Execution

7. Night Swim

Antlers Movie

Blumhouse's Night Swim might be one of the worst horror films of the year so far - or any year, arguably - but it didn't have to be this way.

A horror flick about a haunted swimming pool that kills anyone who takes a dip in it? 

Sounds like a delicious setup for a knowingly campy, R-rated schlock-fest, and yet Bryce McGuire's feature-length adaptation of his own short film commits one cardinal sin: it takes itself too damn seriously.

Considering the utter silliness of its premise, Night Swim holds itself in a surprisingly straight-faced, even sombre regard, rattling through cliches with an almost impressive expediency yet never beginning to have any fun with it.

The result is a shockingly dull expression of a cool concept, made more forgettable by its restrictive PG-13 rating, meaning there aren't even any cartoonishly gory kills to savour.

As it stands, it simply feels like McGuire struggled to translate his short-form concept into a full movie, but with a less serious tone that teed up a bunch of gnarly death scenes, Night Swim could've actually lived up to its insane logline.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.