10 Horror Movies With The Worst CGI

1. Boogeyman

The Thing 2011
Screen Gems

2005 horror movie Boogeyman isn't exactly a well-known classic, and for good reason. Critical panning saw the movie buried along with countless other bad horror movies in the genre's extensive back catalogue.

Doing its utmost to deliver a tense atmosphere and evoke the audience's fear of the unknown, Boogeyman tells the story of the titular monster, who apparently lives in every closet in the world. As a child, protagonist Tim Jensen saw his father taken by the creature, and has spent his life living without closets in order to protect himself from the creature.

Yes, that's the movie's actual plot.

Boogeyman's worst CGI moment comes during the movie's climax, where Tim inevitably faces the monster he's spent his life hiding from.

The reveal of the monster we've sunk over an hour of our lives to see is truly something to behold, and not even remotely in a good way.

Looking like something animated by a child during a school project, the creature appears from the closet, Tim hits him with a baseball bat, prompting the Boogeyman to explode into unconvincing CG bats, who disappear into equally bad CG lightning.

It's a bad movie, but the CGI on display is even worse than you'd expect.

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The Thing
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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.