10 Horror Movies With The Worst CGI

2. The Thing (2011)

The Thing 2011
Universal Pictures

Despite 2011 movie The Thing's status as a prequel to the 1982 movie of exactly the same name, the former is lacking in its predecessor's quality.

The reason? Moving away from the original's groundbreaking and timeless practical effects and using liberal helpings of truly painful to watch CGI.

It's impossible to narrow this entry down to a single example, so let's just say that the entire movie is rife with CG "things", none of which look even remotely as good as those depicted in the original movie that came nearly three decades before.

The CGI used in 2011's The Thing is nothing short of a crime against cinema. Taking a story as beloved as John Carpenter's original and bastardizing it with such sub-par effects is enough to render any of the prequel's possible good points completely moot.

Interestingly, the team behind the movie had originally planned to use extensive practical effects, but the studio shot them down, instead ordering the CGI monstrosity we were eventually presented with, so let's not get angry with the wrong people, here.

Still, despite an impressive cast and a classic franchise, this 2011 prequel was entirely ruined by its awful, awful CGI.

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The Thing
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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.