10 Horror Movies With The Worst CGI

4. Anaconda 3

The Thing 2011

The Anaconda series is widely known as one of - if not the - worst horror movie franchises of all time.

For some reason, in spite of its reputation, it can still pull in recognisable names.

Such was the case in 2008, when the series' third installment, Anaconda 3: Offspring, was released on Syfy, starring none other than David Hasselhoff.

A giant anaconda is taken from the Amazon River to a facility in Romania to be studied and experimented on, but when the creature escapes, it also sets free the queen anaconda, kills most of the research team, and disappears into the woods. A team of animal hunters are called in to capture the snakes, led by Stephen Hammett (Hasselhoff).

While it may be a TV movie, it's still part of a recognisable franchise, and the CGI is even worse than you might have imagined.

Despite the fact that they interact with real human beings, the anacondas look as though they were a borrowed asset from a late '90s video game, preventing this would-be horror movie from ever being remotely scary.

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The Thing
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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.