10 Horror Movies You Won't Be Able To Sleep After Watching

3. Veronica

The Nightmare 2015

You'd think by now people would have realised to leave Ouija boards alone.

In Veronica, a teenage girl and her friends decide that it would be fun to play with a Ouija board in the their school's basement during a solar eclipse. As you'd expect, things go horribly wrong.

Where Veronica shines is in its ability to scare the crap out of you without a moment's notice. While there are some jump scares, the vast majority of the time the movie grabs you by the neck and holds you hostage to its unbearable moments of tension. Then, once you can't take it anymore, it lets you go after unleashing a heart-stopping scare.

To do this so effectively the film often has things hiding either in the background of the frame or off to the side of it. If you aren't paying attention, you'll probably miss several of these moments, but if you're focused, you'll wish you weren't.

Adding even more to the terror that is Veronica, it's actually based on a true story and shows off photos from the real life crime scene right before the credits. Thanks for the nightmares, movie.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.