10 Horror Movies You Won't Be Able To Sleep After Watching

2. Z

The Nightmare 2015

The concept of an imaginary friend is inherently creepy, and Z puts on display everything horrifying about it.

In Z a woman's son makes a new imaginary friend by the name of, well, Z. At first things seem all fine and dandy, but quickly things take a turn for the terrifying when she realises that Z may not be a friend at all.

We've all had that feeling that someone or something is in the room with you, watching your every move. By creating a truly spine-chilling monster, Z takes this unnerving feeling and drags it to its most extreme. We don't get many looks at Z himself, but we don't need to as the few times we see him make more than enough of an impact. He looks almost human, but just enough off the mark to where his image ventures into the abstract. Basically, he's like the physical manifestation of the concept of the uncanny valley, making Slenderman look like a Care Bear.

Z wants ruin your beauty sleep, and it very much will.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.