10 Horror Movies You'll Never Watch Again (And Why)

2. The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project Poster
Artisan Entertainment

The Movie

Whereas Cannibal Holocaust’s fusion of found footage and extreme gore left nothing to the imagination, The Blair Witch Project relied more on suspense, suggestion and what you didn’t see to up the chill factor. Filmed on a shoestring budget and employing a crafty online marketing campaign suggesting the events of the film were real, the movie went viral before viral was really even a thing and was genuinely ground-breaking – and scary – when it first came out.

Why You'll Never Watch it Again

Unfortunately, it’s one of those films that once you’ve gotten over the faux realism and motion sickness-inducing camerawork, just isn’t as spine-chilling with repeated viewings.

Combined with the fact that the found footage approach has been done to death in recent years (not least the six films in the Paranormal Activity franchise), The Blair Witch Project just doesn’t have the same kind of impact second time around. That’s the problem with gimmicks – they lose their effect quickly.


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