10 Horror Trailer Scenes That Were Cut From The Film

7. Em In Hollywood / Nobody - Nope

Slender Man Chloe
Universal Pictures

Nope centres around a rancher called OJ whose life turns upside-down after his father is killed by a supposed UFO. Shortly after, OJ's sister, Em heads to the ranch to help with the family business, and uncover the truth about their father's death.

Although OJ is very apathetic and passive, his sibling is the polar opposite, regularly talking about her aspirations for Hollywood. Even though this aspect of Em's life isn't fully explored, the trailer shows multiple scenes of Em in Tinseltown. We also see a blink-and-you-will-miss-it shot of Em holding back tears while holding a camcorder. (It's unclear whether she's watching old footage or recording something.)

Another peculiar shot from the trailer depicts a man (credited as "Nobody") casually walking towards the set of Gordy's Home. Because everyone else in this shot is sprinting in the opposite direction, it's safe to assume this scene takes place immediately after Gordy attacks the cast.

But if that's the case, why is Nobody so nonchalant while everyone else is panicking? Why is he walking towards the danger? Also, who the hell is this guy?!!

Sadly, we can't answer these questions since this scene, as well as the character, never materialised outside the trailer.


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