1. Failing To Set Up Phase Two (Iron Man 3)
IRON MAN 3 SPOILER WARNING (AGAIN). Perhaps the most surprising thing about Iron Man 3 is that it did practically nothing to propel Phase Two of the MCU forward. Though that can be left for Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 3 didn't give us
anything. The film ends with Tony having the arc reactor removed, blowing up his suits but still attesting that he is Iron Man; while that might be satisfying from a character perspective, there was always the expectation that IM3 would leave us wanting more which, to be honest, it didn't at all. I came out of IM3 feeling like it was a closed-off end-point to the character, and that he's finally found a way to reconcile his issues and balance the two sides of his persona. If Shane Black wanted me to be excited about Tony Stark's next adventure (presumably The Avengers 2), we should have at least seen Tony re-building his home and basically re-restablishing himself having now gotten rid of his post-Avengers trauma. Instead, we got nothing. Which MCU moments make you cringe the most? Let us know in the comments below.