10 Huge Movies That Aquaman Destroyed At The Box Office

1. Every DC Movie EVER

The Dark Knight Quiz

Box Office: $1.08 billion (The Dark Knight Rises), $1.005 billion (The Dark Knight), $873.6 million (Batman v Superman), $821.8 million (Wonder Woman), $746.9 million (Suicide Squad), $668 million (Man of Steel), $657.9 million (Justice League), $411.3 million (Tim Burton's Batman), $391.1 million (Superman Returns), $375.2 million (Batman Begins)

Just this past week, Aquaman achieved the most unfathomable milestone of all: it soared past The Dark Knight Rises' $1.08 billion gross to become the highest-grossing DC movie ever.

Seriously, who the hell saw that coming?

Even when Aquaman proved itself a hit in the early going, few could've predicted that it'd have such impressive legs. The result is a film more commercially successful than any prior live-action DC movie starring Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman (a selection of which are listed above).

It is the ultimate proof that the world as a whole has lovingly embraced the sea-faring superhero, and though it's great news for the DC brand and Warner Bros. in particular, it's still a little tough to make sense of.

Did you see Aquaman's shock box office success coming? Which of these unexpected triumphs surprised you the most? Shout it out in the comments!

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.