10 Huge Questions That Undermine Back To The Future
8. Why Isn't Alternate 1985 Hugely Different?
When Marty changes the future, back in 1955, he assumes that when he returns home to 1985, everything will be just how he left it. If time travel does exist, this is almost certainly not how it works. But that's another article for another day. Why though, in alternate 1985, do the McFlys live in the same house, if they're that much richer? If Dave works in an office, hasn't he moved out? If the Doc saw his time machine thirty years before he invented it, why isn't it that much more advanced in the alternate timeline? Despite all these niggles concerning the butterfly effect though, the biggest question usually posed by Marty's actions is whether he and the Doc would be friends, given he's got more of a father figure now. And whilst the Doc would've known to be friends with Marty, having met him in 1955, would they have followed exactly the same timeline to send Marty back into the past? Would sending him back create a paradox or a time loop? Now I'm just being pedantic, sorry.