10 Hugely Popular Movie Fan Theories That Were Completely Wrong

7. Owen Grady's First Appearance - Jurassic Park

Jurassic World

The world waited with bated breath to see Jurassic Park return to the cinemas from the moment Jurassic World was announced. The franchise may have died a death with the release of the underwhelming Dominion, but audiences were excited for the reboot back in 2015.

With legacy sequels like this one, it is as close to guaranteed as possible that there will be references and Easter Eggs connecting back to what came before. Some are obvious, and are there generally for fan service, while others are far more subtle. So much so that people often think they’ve seen something when they haven’t.

Take the new lead protagonist of the franchise, Owen Grady. Chris Pratt’s character had a great intuition with dinosaurs, raptors in particular, and that is the key to this theory. Remember the small boy at the start of Jurassic Park way back in 1993 that Alan Grant brutally taught to respect raptors? What if he grew up to be the world’s first raptor trainer?

Realistically this was about all the theory was based on, and that the timescale would have been in and around the right area, however it was Pratt himself who debunked the theory. Leaving absolutely no wiggle room, the actor flat-out denied that this was true, and there has been nothing in either of the subsequent two movies to pick this now-dead theory back up.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.