10 Hugely Popular Movie Fan Theories That Were Completely Wrong

6. Deadpool's Cameo - Logan

Jurassic World
20th Century Fox

In spite of the long-running rivalry between Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, by the end of Fox’s X-Men franchise its two most popular characters were by far Wolverine and Deadpool. People loved Professor X and Magneto, both versions of each, but this wasn’t even close.

Though technically Wade Wilson appeared opposite Wolverine in X-Men Origins, this couldn’t have been further from what Deadpool was supposed to be. Fans wanted to see the two come together on the big screen, and they thought that there could be a cameo from the Merc with the Mouth in Logan.

The third movie in the Wolverine franchise released just over a year before Deadpool 2, and under normal circumstances that would have made a cameo from Deadpool a reasonable at least expectation, even if it was just in a post-credit scene.

These weren’t normal circumstances, however. This was the death of Wolverine in one of the darkest, most emotional comic book movies of all time. A scene with Deadpool simply wouldn’t have been right for Logan, and thankfully the two were kept apart, allowing for an even bigger payoff yet to come in Deadpool 3.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.