10 Hugely Popular Movie Fan Theories That Were Completely Wrong

3. Grindelwald Lied To Credence - The Crimes Of Grindelwald

Jurassic World
Warner Bros.

The Harry Potter movies are classics, and even when the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them franchise launched as a spin-off in 2016, it was met largely favourably by fans. Things have absolutely changed since then, however.

The second Wizarding World franchise lost a lot of people by the end of the second movie, for a variety of reasons, not least its seeming insistence on ignoring or changing solid and established Harry Potter lore. Arguably the biggest crime in this regard was the reveal that Credence Barebone's real name was Aurelius Dumbledore.

No such connection to Albus had ever been so much as suggested previously, and for lack of a better phrasing, this pissed fans off. So much so that a theory was born that Grindelwald straight up lied to Credence in order to bring the powerful Obscurial onto his side of the impending war.

However, no matter how much fans wanted to forget the revelation, and the movie in general for that matter, the subsequent Secrets of Dumbledore doubled down on the relationship and confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Villains like Grindelwald aren't ever to be taken at their word or believed without a little evidence, but what the third movie in the franchise offered was irrefutable.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.