10 Hypothetical Movie Prequels That Will Make Billions

1. Sucker Punched: Hamm vs Snyder

Sucker Punch To be honest, I haven€™t thought this one out. I just love Sucker Punch so much that I need more of it, and the film's ending closes off any possibility for a sequel. So wonderfully complex! One reality leads to a second reality, and in that reality dancing is represented by another action-packed dripping-genre reality€ Think about it too much and your mind will explode. So, let€™s see. Sucker Punch prequel. Maybe€ How did the Lennox Institute come to be? Could be there€™s, like, an alien involved? Maybe a serial killer? Demons? I don€™t know. That€™s the beauty of Sucker Punch, you can just shove whatever you want in there in any fashion you choose. Or, maybe it€™s the strange and twisting story of how Jon Hamm ended up being in this film. I mean, come on. I€™d like to think he got caught up in some south of the border dangers with Zack Synder, and because Synder saved his life, Jon had no choice but to play the lobotomizing doctor. Actually, this sounds like the best movie ever. SUCKER PUNCHED: HAMM VS. SYNDER
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Based in Chicago, Christopher Tucker does what he can to bring a little fun into the world through writing, videos and board games. More of his machinations can be discovered over at Tuckertronik.com. He feels confident that the entirety of his life will be broken into two segments: prior to the finale of Breaking Bad and post Breaking Bad.