10 Most Iconic Anchorman Quotes

1. 'That Escalated Quickly'

In San Diego, which of course means a 'whale's vagina' in the original German, there is stiff competition amongst the different news teams. Channel 4 are number one in the ratings, obviously, but Ron Burgundy and company face stiff competition from rivals such as Wes Mantooth, Frank Vitchard and the city's public and Spanish language news contingents. On occasion, the rivalry amongst professionals can lead to street fights, where naturally, there is to be no touching of the hair or face. One particular fight in the seventies, however, was described by Burgundy in private as having escalated quickly and really got out of hand fast, with several fatalities resulting from immolation or impalement with a trident. Many have chosen to replicate Burgundy's musings when describing situations that they themselves have either witnessed or been involved in, whether comparable in severity to the great brawl amongst newsmen or not.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.