10 Most Iconic Anchorman Quotes

3. '60% Of The Time, It Works, Every Time'

As the ladies man of the Channel 4 news team, Brian Fantana goes out of his way to appeal to members of the opposite sex, who he likes to treat with a display of the Octagon, James Westfall and Dr. Kenneth Noisewater. One of his principal weapons of seduction is his scent, which is frequently enhanced by colognes such as London Gentleman or Blackbeard's Delight. Occasional ladies, however, are treated to a special scent, Sex Panther, despite some believing that it does not sting the nostrils in a good way, but that it smells of a used diaper filled with Indian food. Regardless, it is a formidable scent, and comprehensive studies have revealed that on 60% of occasions, it has a 100% success rate. Though said studies were considered nonsensical by Fantana's esteemed co-worker Ron Burgundy, there are times where the results are recited, usually in a tongue in cheek manner.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.