10 Iconic Classical Songs You Only Know Because Of The Movies

10. Speaking Unto Nations (Allegretto) From The King€™s Speech

Was The King€™s Speech the Oscar star that the Academy made it out to be? Ultimately, I would say no, though it certainly was a very good film and everyone€™s entitled to their own opinion. What goes without saying, however, if that the climactic scene of King George VI making his speech to a nation primed to set off for the Second World War in 1939. A man ridiculed for his incompetence to speak to the masses stands in front of a microphone that will make or break the spirits of his people facing a horrific time ahead of them.

Luckily Lionel Logue is there to help George and luckily for us watching, Beethoven€™s 7th Symphony kicks in as the King makes his address. It€™s an incredibly powerful scene that builds with the music, starting out lighter and George struggling to find his way before gaining speed and power to the point where he rallies a nation behind him at the music€™s climax.

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A Cinema and Photography graduate whose media exposure has amounted to little more than an amateur comics society podcast and a one minute radio discussion about cantaloupe melons. Reader of Vertigo, watcher of Doctor Who, lover of everything film. Tweet in his direction @Story24