10 Iconic Comic Book Storylines That Are Currently Impossible

3. Civil War (Marvel)

Civil War was a spectacular 2006-2007 storyline which occurred following the implementation of the Superhuman Registration Act in the Marvel universe €“ the Superhuman Registration Act being a legislative bill which made superhumans register themselves as superheroes, but which saw a conflict occur between those behind the idea and those against it. It had the tagline €œWhose Side Are You On?€ While there's a possibility that something could be adapted on the big screen in future regarding this arc, there's absolutely no possibility of it being any time soon. For starters, there simply aren't even close to enough heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe to make it worthwhile, secondly there isn't a strong enough rivalry between different heroes to make it seem realistic (though there have been hints of a rift between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers) and, finally and most importantly, there's no sign of a Superhuman Registration Act (and no chance of it coming in to play any time soon, given that S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it is them who implement and enforce it).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.