10 Iconic Directors Who Don't Have A Film In The IMDb Top 250

2. David Cronenberg

Best Known For: The Fly, Videodrome, A History Of Violence, Most Deserving IMDb Top 250 Candidate: The Fly David Cronenberg has always been a bit of an outsider, but that doesn't mean that the public don't eat up his films whenever he unveils a new one. If David Lynch, cinema's other weird David, can find his way into the Top 250, you'd think that Cronenberg's masterpieces might have had a shot. Of course, a director's ranking on the IMDb Top 250 isn't a particularly worthwhile judge of their talent, but Cronenberg is such an icon that's it's surprising that not a single cinematic effort has made the cut. At just 7.5, there's a sense that The Fly has been rated way too low by IMDb users, who clearly haven't realised that it's a full-fledged '80s horror masterpiece if ever there was one. Cronenberg's late-stage masterpieces, Eastern Promises and A History of Violence, also score 7.5 apiece - almost as if the site's users have been barred from giving the Canadian director's films anything more than that. You can be more generous, guys! It's okay!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.