10 Iconic Directors Who Don't Have A Film In The IMDb Top 250

8. Mike Leigh

Best Known For: Secrets & Lies, Another Year, Mr. Turner Most Deserving IMDb Top 250 Candidate: Secrets & Lies One of Britain's best and most beloved filmmakers, Mike Leigh has churned out a good number of masterpiece across the span of his varied career, and yet not a single one of them has found its way onto the IMDb Top 250. But it appears as though Mike Leigh is rather under-appreciated as far as the IMDb is concerned, given that many of his critically-acclaimed films - Mr. Turner, Happy-Go-Lucky, to name but two notable works - have shockingly low scores. His highest-rated film on the database, the 1996 classic Secrets & Lies, comes closet to getting its director onto the Top 250 with a score of 8.0. As what is arguably Leigh's best film, it's proof that at least one of his pictures is appreciated by the IMDb clan. If any living filmmaker deserves to have a picture on the IMDb Top 250 (if only so that it brings his other works to wider attention), it's this one. A mere 6.9 for Mr. Turner, IMDb? For shame!

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.