10 Iconic Movie Characters With INSANE Continuity

7. Connor MacLeod

leatherface prequel
20th Century Fox

The original Highlander film, set in 1985, told the tale of Connor MacLeod, a Scottish immortal who died in battle in 1536, came back to life, and now lives in New York with his adopted daughter. The immortals battle until one remains, collecting the combined power of all the others, and the film ends with Connor triumphant after defeating the others.

Highlander II: The Quickening was set in 2024 and came up with a back story for the immortals, claiming they were aliens from the planet Zeist sent to Earth to destroy each other as punishment for their crimes. This contradicted the first film where Connor is shown growing up as a child in Scotland. A Director’s cut removed all mention of aliens, changing to an ancient society that sent immortals to the future as punishment instead.

The third film ignored the second showing Connor now living in Marrakesh with his adopted son. He is attacked by further immortals, negating the premise in the first film that he had defeated them all, but he proceeds to be victorious again.

Highlander: Endgame tried to bridge the films with the TV series, in which the prize was never won because there were still many immortals. Connor is revealed to be an ancestor of Duncan MacLeod, the protagonist from the series. After Connor’s daughter is killed, he tells Duncan to behead him so he can pass on his power to him.

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Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat