10 Iconic Movie Characters With INSANE Continuity

6. Wolverine (X-Men Cinematic Universe)

leatherface prequel
20th Century Fox

Born in 1832 as James Howlett, Wolverine's bone claw mutation manifested after his father was killed by groundskeeper Thomas Logan. Wolverine killed Logan before learning that he was his real father. He left with his half-brother, Victor (Sabretooth), and they fought together in several wars, surviving a firing squad due to their mutant healing abilities. They were recruited into William Stryker's black ops military mutant unit Team X. Now calling himself Logan, he eventually left, working as a lumberjack in Canada, before being recruited as Mystique's bodyguard in 1973.

Wolverine's timeline splits into two paths, hinging on the pivotal event of Mystique's murder of Bolivar Trask. Richard Nixon's government captures Mystique and uses her mutant DNA to advance their sentinel programme. Sabretooth kills Logan's girlfriend, and he consents to Stryker bonding adamantium to his bones to help him fight Victor. After being shot with an adamantium bullet, he becomes an amnesiac cage fighter where he meets Rogue and is recruited into the X-Men.

He ends up having to kill Jean Grey and the sentinels become a horrific mutant torture programme. In 2023 Kitty Pride sends Logan's consciousness back to his younger self in 1973 where he stops Mystique from assassinating Trask and persuades Nixon to shut down the sentinel programme. He returns to the future and everyone is alive again, only to all die when Professor X has a seizure that kills all the X-Men apart from Logan. Sadly, he goes on to die from adamantium poisoning, but might still appear in the MCU. Congratulations if you kept up.

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Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat