10 Iconic Movie Costumes Actors Hated Wearing

7. Scarlett Johansson – Black Widow

Harry Potter Voldemort
Marvel Studios

It's hard to imagine that any other actress could bring Black Widow from the comic panel to the silver screen better than Scarlett Johansson. She melded the character's complexity between a bad-ass assassin and an empathetic team player.

While Florence Pugh is an interesting prospect as Black Widow 2.0, we'll always have a soft spot for both Natasha Romanoff and Scarlett Johansson.

Johansson has left the character behind, and she has made it quite obvious that a part of portraying Natasha that she won't miss is the costume which she wore during her MCU debut.

She elaborated:

"Look at that thing. I mean, who wants to get into something like that? You just think, 'Oh god, really? Couldn't it have, like I don't know, some sort of a peplum skirt or something?' This thing is like very: there you are. It was also everything it represented. The character was so beloved. She's an iconic character. And I didn't know how people were going to take it. What the hell was I doing in this franchise? It was daunting."

The suit was so tight Johansson couldn't wear underwear and it encouraged her to sweat so profusely that she had to wring her socks out. This whole situation is wincing to merely imagine.

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Harry Potter
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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.