10 Iconic Movie Heroes Who Deserved Way Better Deaths

2. Ellen Ripley - Alien 3

Alien 3 Two unjust deaths from the same movie? What are the odds of that happening? When you're dealing with Alien 3, the odds are pretty darn high, to be honest, as this list could've easily included android Bishop, too, amongst all the other characters who were just thrown out like they meant nothing to nobody when this sequel came around. And though there was certainly shame in offing Hicks and Newt for no good reason, I can't really forgive the filmmakers of Alien 3 for using this movie as an opportunity for killing off our hero Ellen Ripley, too. What was the point, after all? Especially when they had to engineer a lame excuse in the sequel, Resurrection, to bring her back. At the time this entry was made, though, the filmmakers really did see this as a good way to end the franchise, but did Ripley really need to commit suicide, given everything she'd been through? The significance of her sacrificing her life to destroy the alien is a nice touch, but it still doesn't ring true with the Ripley that we've come to know and love across the span of the series. It was "epic" for all the wrong reasons.

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