10 Iconic Movie Moments (That Were Only Added At The Last Minute)

3. The Voice-Over - Blade Runner

The Iconic Scene: Not a scene as much as a movie-wide device, the version of Blade Runner released theatrically back in 1982 came with a Harrison Ford voice-over that needlessly expanded upon various elements of the story. It's not a positive inclusion, but has since become an iconic part of the film's early years. They memorably sound rather phoned in, although the actor has since blamed a lack of direction, rather than his own disinterest, on that. Shame the same can't be said of some of his recent movies. Why Was It Last Minute? The original script included some narration elements (it is a film noir after all), but Ridley Scott and Ford agreed they were rather perfunctory. However, after a notoriously disastrous test screening, Warner Bros. put pressure on the pair to include the voice-over at the last minute. It was eventually taken out when the film proved a hit and Scott got free-reign on the movie for home video re-releases. This wasn't the only major, studio-forced element subsequently cut. Nowadays the final scene, with Deckard and Rachael escaping into the country, is treated a deleted curio, but for ten years it was part of the movie proper, only removed in the 1992 Director's Cut.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.