10 Iconic Movie Scenes You Won't Admit Have Aged Terribly

9. The Mine Chase - Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

Back in the late 80s, Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom was widely considered to be the worst of the original trilogy. If only it had stayed that way and they hadn't bothered with the far inferior Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Temple Of Doom drops the Nazis as bad guys and instead focuses on a slightly racist-feeling plot about a Thuggee cult who engage in family-friendly movie activities such as child slavery and, erm, human sacrifice. It's the darkest Jones film in this respect, yet at the same time it's perhaps the most fun, with the mine cart chase one of the many action set piece highlights. That is, if you can ignore the very obvious model shots of Indiana Jones and company bobbing around looking decidedly fake. Let's face it - most fans tend to overlook this and go along for the ride. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvmXmIHjQ2E

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.