10 Idiotic Decisions Made By Characters In Man of Steel

7. Colonel Hardy's Good Death Scene Kills Others

MAN OF STEEL The problem with a Superman film is that it can be hard to make the human characters interesting. When your main hero could probably blow up the moon, why even bother with human help? But to Man of Steel€™s credit, it found an erstwhile use for Colonel Nathan Hardy, whose main job up until the final act was to stand in a corner and look vaguely distrustful. Hardy is charged with using Superman's escape pod to bomb Zod€™s ship, thus creating a block hole which conveniently only applies to Kryptonians. Unfortunately, everything starts to go wrong when Lois realises she can€™t activate the pod and Laora attacks the plane. She proceeds to whup everyone, throwing around Lois and Hamilton before murdering her way to the cockpit to confront Hardy. In the meantime, Hamilton figures out how to activate the pod by rolling it around a bit, simultaneous making Lois €“ a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, no less €“ look like an idiot and saving the day. What Hardy decides to do now is both reckless and stupid €“ he flies the plane into the ship. You might argue that he had no choice, that Faora would have otherwise obliterated him. But if he had enough time to pilot it into the ship, surely he had enough time to get near enough to drop the bomb? If he€™d have just thought about it, he wouldn€™t have killed Dr. Harrison €“ who we assume is an important guy due to his top-level military clearance €“ and almost kill Lois, who only survives thanks to Superman€™s intervention. Obviously, it€™s pretty cool to go out with an awesome final line. But the thing about sacrificing yourself is that it must only be yourself doing the sacrificing or it looks dickish, not heroic. Blowing up the government€™s foremost science(?) expert is an incredibly awkward epitaph to have, especially when it could have been avoided.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.