10 Important MCU Details That Are Almost Never Mentioned

7. What Happened To Helen Cho?

Avengers Age of Ultron Vision Mjolnir
Marvel Studios

It's not exactly uncommon for the MCU to introduce an important face to their sprawling universe, only for said entity to then suddenly go missing in the flicks, shows, and years that follow.

And while real-life events such as actors not being all that interested in returning can't be helped, in the case of the character of Helen Cho, played by Claudia Kim in Age of Ultron, there's still no word on why the character has gone AWOL in the aftermath of the second Avengers smash.

If Cho was nothing more than a background presence, offering little to nothing to the narrative of that flick, then her absence post-Ultron likely would've been excused and even understandable. But the brilliant, world-renowned geneticist played a huge part in bringing Vision into existence and aiding The Avengers in general throughout that ensemble epic and seemed poised to become an integral part of Earth's Mightiest Heroes' team at Avengers HQ.

The likes of Darcy Lewis, Sharon Carter, and Abomination all stepping back into the MCU after a prolonged period away does offer hope of a Helen Cho re-emergence at some point. Yet, the fact fans have been given next to no update on what Cho got up to alongside Erik Selvig and his team of scientists, or how The Snap impacted their lives, doesn't bode well for the character at this moment in time.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...