10 Incredible Body Transformations For Upcoming Movies

6. Kumail Nanjiani (The Eternals)

Simon Pegg Inheritance
Natasha Leggero/Marvel Studios

Over the last few years, countless beloved funnymen have taken it upon themselves to accept a no-doubt generous offer from Disney studios and hit the gym in order to obtain the contractually obligated Marvel physique. Big shout out, first and foremost, to Mark Ruffalo for securing the central role of the Hulk and then flatly refusing to do any shirtless scenes.

Not everyone can be a hero to us gym-evaders, though, and recently The Big Sick creator and Silicon Valley star Kumail Nanjiani has become the latest recruit to the sculpted school of Marvel men.

Dieting and training for a year, Nanjiani was almost in tears when a recent late night chat show appearance gave him his first encounter with snack foods in months. The results speak for themselves, with the actor displaying his newly-shredded physique on Instagram in advance of Eternal’s upcoming release date.

That said, Nanjiani did admit he couldn’t have stuck out the rigorous routine were it not for the support of the studio. Only time will tell whether Marvel’s gamble on Eternals will result in another box office smash, but if nothing else, Nanjaini is definitely already reaping the results of the project.

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