10 Incredible Movie Scenes You Never Got To See
9. Indy's Impressive Whip Technique Was Scrapped

Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of the greatest adventure movies ever made, and it broke a lot of ground when it was released in 1981. Harrison Ford wasn't just a college professor; he was a gun-toting, whip-carrying, fedora-wearing badass who fought the Nazis to save the girl.
It's a great movie, and it includes... or rather, doesn't include one of the most famous "lost" scenes in movie history. When Indy loses Marion in the market, he finds himself facing off against a humongous man in black, who spins his blade in an impressive display of skill.
In the final cut of the film, Indy sees this, and without hesitation, pulls out his revolver and shoots the man in the chest as nonchalantly as humanly possible. It's a funny scene, and it's perfect for the movie, but it wasn't what was originally planned.
Indy was supposed to pull out his trusty whip and demonstrate his skills in what would have been an exciting and engaging scene. Unfortunately, Harrison Ford was sick the day of the shoot, so a quickly rewritten scene became Hollywood history, leaving the planned theatrics forever unfilmed, and only imagined.