10 Incredible Scenes Trapped In Otherwise Bad Movies

1. First Person Shootout (Doom)

For a movie so uninspired, and borderline insulting to its source material, it€™s kind of astounding that Doom put together such an incredibly innovative action sequence. Gone was the bland fighting and thin story, replaced by five minutes of complete and absolute immersion. Giving Doom the feel of the game, the camera enters the first-person perspective of Karl Urban€™s Reaper. Through his eyes, this scene of the film is a perfect recreation of the game, using creative camera work and great effects to help sell a concept that still feels novel. The POV is nothing short of amazing and it really feels like you€™re in the heart of the action. Many video game adaptations make the mistake of straying too far away from what made their games special, but for one moment Doom went the other way and briefly embraced its, resulting in a standout sequence. Apparently, the POV scene was absolute murder to film, but thankfully they stuck it out, or else no one would have ever talked about the Doom movie again. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueKhVcqQBtg Would you go back to these movies just for these scenes? Which incredible scenes do you love from awful movies? Let us know in the comments.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.