10 Incredible Scenes Trapped In Otherwise Bad Movies

5. The Plane Crash - Knowing

Alex Proyas had a good track record but Knowing just flat-out missed. The Nicolas Cage-fronted thriller followed an investigation into a mysterious set of numbers which predicted cataclysmic events and while story was never as extraordinary as that premise, there was a singular moment which almost made the entire movie worthwhile. The plane crash was absolutely incredible, immersing the audience into the absolute hell following a massive, explosive landing in a field. The single-take tracking shot follows Cage as he races through the wreckage, desperately trying to help people as they catch on fire all around him. Really selling the scene is the fact that the CGI is surprisingly well done and the destruction is absolutely engrossing. There€™s nothing quite like seeing Nicolas Cage scream as a man literally on fire races past him. Aiding this impressive filmmaking is real relevance to the story; it showed that the numbers weren€™t lying and that the predictions needed to be taken seriously. If the entire film had taken this visceral approach to the innovative story, Knowing would have been held in a much higher regard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPdwCnwuZ8w

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.