10 Incredibly Annoying Characters Who Almost Ruined 2013 Movies

2. Minions - Despicable Me 2

From a business perspective, it makes perfect sense why the minions had been catapulted into every marketing push for the Despicable Me 2 movie last summer, which includes everything from the movie trailers to parade blimps. In the first Despicable Me, the resounding success of these annoying little creatures convinced Sony to make sure everyone in the entire world knows who they are for the sequel, thus resulting in endless minion costumes around Halloween, endless TV appearances and ultimately, overexposure. They might be cute, but they're one-note, and there can't be many people in the world over the age of six who isn't completely over them. They fit in the movie, and serve a purpose, but the level of merchandise dedicated to them is just obscene. Despicable Me 2 was still good, despite how sick of the minions we were by the time we watched it, but there can't be the same kind of hopes for the prequel that is set for later this year. That will only reduce everything the impact of the original film down to one note played over and over again, and only the most undeveloped of audiences (or the youngest) will get anything lasting out of it.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com