10 Incredibly Annoying Characters Who Almost Ruined 2013 Movies

8. Perry - Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies had a very strong opening to match its strong concept, which of course reinvented the zombie movie, and the motivation behind brain eating. As well as the genius conceit, the movie also focuses on the unlikely romance between Julie and R (Nicholas Hoult's zombie,) but the problem is that R devoured the brains of Julie's boyfriend, Perry. As a plot device, Perry was fine: he added complexity to the central love story and Dave Franco was good while he lasted. What was less welcome however was the manner of his death, and how he is presented. It's adds welcome complexity, but Perry should have been presented as an unlikable figure, which would have made it far more easy not to feel sorry for him. But instead, we were introduced to a guy who played by the rules and looked out for the best interest of the girl he loves, and throughout all of the memories we see of him and Julie, he is seen as a good man who made tough choices to be a leader, and even if that made him a little distant, it was still messed up to see his killer hitting on his woman. It wasn't that Dave Franco did a bad job or that the character himself was particularly annoying: it was just bothersome to see him showing up again and nearly ruining our desire to see R and Julie together, when they should have just made Perry a jerk and let Julie move on. Perhaps that was the intent at the end of the day, but it's still not great to have to endure a story that actively attempts to get you to question the central romance so much.

Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com