10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

6. Iron Man's Suit - Iron Man

Avengers Infinity War Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Even well before he became Vision, it seems that JARVIS had some powers well beyond those of a "normal" AI.

Back in the first Iron Man movie, when Tony Stark was testing out the limits of his suit by flying it as high as possible and definitely just openly flirting with death since the armour had no inbuilt system to deal with ice build-up. At the time, JARVIS warned him about the problem and Stark ignored him, preferring instead to do it the more dangerous way.

And then when Stark complains about the icing issue, JARVIS literally predicts a major part of the story of Infinity War:

"A very astute observation, sir. Perhaps, if you intend to visit other planets, we should improve the exosystems.”

Lucky they did really, since Tony had to use the new systems to survive at high-altitude when he saves Peter Parker.

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