10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

5. "The End Game" - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

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Marvel Studios

Tony Stark was - somewhat understandably - annoyed at Doctor Strange when the Sorceror Supreme handed over the Time Stone to Thanos and seemingly handed victory to him too. Strange had foreseen only one possible victory for the good guys and knew that Stark had to live, so instead of allowing Thanos to kill him, he gave up the Stone and basically sacrificed himself instead.

Tony looked broken when he demanded to know why Strange would do that and Strange's response - "we're in the end game now" - curiously didn't seem to offer him any tonic. But it should have, because Strange was using Stark's own logic to let him know that victory would be achieved in the end.

Stark had previously used pretty much the exact same phrase Strange used in Infinity War back in Age Of Ultron, when he has to answer for the creation of Ultron:

"A hostile alien army came charging in through a hole in space… we're standing 300 feet below it. We're the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the live-long day, but… that up there? That's the end game. How were you guys planning on beating that?"

As a man driven by ultimate goals and willing to pay any cost for victory, he should have known what Strange was hinting at when he sued those same words.

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