10 Incredibly Clever Moments Of MCU Movie Foreshadowing

3. Odin Knew Loki Would Turn Against Him - Thor

Thor Ragnarok Loki Hela
Marvel Studios

The question of why Loki looks nothing like Thor, when Odin could have made him look like his blonde, muscle-bound adoptive brother with very little effort has always bubbled in the background of Loki's story. We know that Odin rescued the boy from Jutenheim when he was an infant and took him in as his own - disguising his Ice Giant genetics in the process to help him be accepted. But surely making him dark haired and a bit emo looking was counter-productive to that agenda?

Well, not if you think about Odin's other tragic child. Before Thor and Loki were even born, Odin was forced to imprison his own daughter when her ambition ran rampant and her murderous thirst for power threatened to corrupt the entire Nine Realms. Odin knew what he had to do, but it destroyed him.

And according to one theory, Odin paid homage to his missing daughter by making Loki look like her. But what if Odin also foreshadowed his son's turn to evil too? Perhaps because of his genetics (something the Asgardians were obsessed with), Odin knew that Loki would grow up to betray him and would himself need to be banished, so he marked him to look exactly the same as Hela. Maybe that was his way of making sure he never forgot to keep some sense of mistrust about him?

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