10 Infamous Movie Plot Holes That Actually Have Legitimate Answers

8. Prometheus - The Engineer Rampage and Super-Shaw

21ridley scott prometheus Prometheus is another film that has the people divided, some people love it, some people hate it, and while it has flaws and it isn't a perfect film, it isn't far from being one. Many things have people ranting about why the film sucks so, on this entry we'll try to focus on two of them, which are kinda related. First of all, during the scene in which David, Elizabeth Shaw and Peter Weyland are with the Engineer, this one just goes insane and starts killing every human and android in there, well, except for Elizabeth Shaw, who manages to escape, which brings me to my next point; How could she do all those things she did after having a c-section of an alien being no less than 30 minutes ago? We know that she took painkillers, but that wouldn't be enough to turn her into Lara Croft. The Reasonable Explanation... According to Anil Biltoo, the film's linguistics consultant the only thing David said to the Engineer was that Weyland didn't want to die and he expected to give him more life. That's it, however according to the screenwriter Damon Lindelof, the dialogue exchange between David and the Engineer was going to be longer, and that it would have David explains some things to the Engineer, before saying something that probably pissed him off and caused the rampage. So there goes that, but what about Shaw's sudden recovery? Well, believe it or not things like that actually have happened in real life. In 1982 Angela Cavallo's son was working on the suspension of a 3340 pound vehicle, when suddenly the car slipped off the jack and trapped her son the wheel heel. Having no one nearby to help her with the situation, she proceeded to lift the car and rescue his son, using nothing more than her bare hands, and this is just one example of many. Now, why am I talking about this? There's evidence that suggest that the Adrenaline that runs through our body in a moment of stress actually improves our strength, letting us do amazing things like that one. It's a little phenomenon called "Hysterical Strenght." Now, put yourself in her shoes for a minute and think the situation. She was on another planet being chased by an alien twice her size who could break an Android with what seemed like very little effort, and he will most likely do the same thing to you. Suddenly it doesn't sound so dumb, doesn't it? And speaking of Prometheus...
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Mild mannered writer for WhatCulture, I enjoy reading, watching films, and complaining about people complaining.