10 Infuriating Flaws That Ruin Otherwise Awesome Directors

9. Self-Indulgence - Quentin Tarantino

quentin tarantino

Accomplishments: Nominated for five Oscars and winner of two, his filmography needs no introduction, but as a writer and director, he's one of the most singular talents that the art form has ever seen. There are countless imitators, but only one Q.T.

The Flaw: Once upon a time, Tarantino's flowery, lengthy dialogues about restaurant tipping and tasty burgers were mind-meltingly unique and really quite brilliant. The problem is that as he has enjoyed more success, he's become more aware of what his fans want and leans into that to the point of absurd self-indulgence.

His cameos used to be fun, but then Django Unchained happened and it became far too smug and obnoxious (and his horrible Australian accent didn't help). The Hateful Eight, though an enjoyable film to a point, is in many ways the epitome of his self-regarding style: it is the height of his "they'll eat up every word I'm writing" powers.

He has crafted a three-hour-plus drama with an insistently slow pace, lumbering dialogue and not a single word or shot edited out for the sake of our sanity. Because how dare we miss out a word of Tarantino's dialogue, hand-delivered from the Gods themselves, right?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.