10 Infuriating Flaws That Ruin Otherwise Awesome Directors

8. Quantity Over Quality - Woody Allen

Cafe Society Jesse Eisenberg Kristen Stewart Woody Allen

Accomplishments: With over 20 Oscar nominations to his name and four wins (three for writing, one for directing), it goes without saying that Woody Allen is one of the most prolific and best-admired filmmakers working both today and over the last half-century. Who doesn't love Annie Hall and Manhattan?

The Flaw: On one hand, it's extremely impressive that an 80-year-old Allen is still able to make a new movie every year, having done so now for over 30 years. On the other, Allen just seems to enjoy churning out films regardless of whether he has anything interesting or new to contribute: lots of his recent films, such as To Rome with Love and Magic in the Moonlight, see the director treading water and pretty much just leaning back on the glory of his better movies.

Part of the problem is that Allen is so widely-respected by the acting community that even the most picky actors are desperate to work with him, and so will gladly sign on for even a mediocre Allen script, simply for the experience of being on his set. Hence why so many of his recent movies starring fantastic casts end up being thoroughly mediocre, even forgettable.

His best work still rises to the top, but it's amid a sea of missed opportunities and by-the-numbers middle-class drama.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.