10 Infuriating Movie Cliffhangers That Nobody Bothered To Wrap Up

9. What Happened To Anton Chigurh? - No Country For Old Men

The Cliffhanger: The Coen Brothers' Oscar-winning contemporary classic ends with bowl cut-wearing, cattle gun-shooting assassin Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) tying up a loose end by apparently murdering Llewellyn Moss' (Josh Brolin) wife Carla Jean (Kelly Macdonald), though it occurs off-screen. Chigurh drives through town and is involved in a car accident, causing him a severe arm injury, at which point he pays a local kid for his shirt to use as a sling, and then simply limps out of dodge before the authorities show up. Viewers no doubt expected a cleaner-cut ending than Chigurh slinking off and Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) talking about two weird-a** dreams he had. Does Chigurh survive or succumb to his not inconsiderable injuries? Does he get caught? What Probably Happened: Chigurh is an extremely resourceful man, so we expect his previously-demonstrated medical knowledge combined with his considerable coercion skills likely resulted in him getting fixed and kicking back for a few weeks. Still, we have absolutely no idea about any traumatic internal injuries Chigurh might've suffered from the brutal wreck, so he could very well have dropped dead 5 minutes after the movie ended...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.