10 Ingenious Uses Of End Credits Songs In Movies

9. Visions Of Gideon – Call Me By Your Name

Jojo Rabbit Taika Waititi
Sony Pictures

Call Me By Your Name is a beautiful love story set in a sun-drenched Northern Italy during the 1980s. The film boasts incredible performances and a timeless tale but is often remembered for three particularly iconic scenes.

The first is the infamous peach scene which has, sadly in some ways, reduced the beautiful film to be labelled as 'the one where a guy has sex with a peach'. The second fondly remembered scene, which perfectly distils the essence of this heart-warming masterpiece is Michael Stuhlbarg's monologue as Elio's father, Samuel. His three minute speech near the end of the film, about love and loss, is as fondly remembered for its beautiful message of acceptance as it is for its stunning delivery.

Perhaps the most iconic moment, though, which will break your heart if not broken already, is the final closeup on Timothée Chalamet's Elio as he looks into the fire while Sufjan Steven's Visions of Gideon plays. The decision to have the end credits roll over this haunting final image was inspired, with an audience who literally had to walk out of the cinema as a forlorn boy stared them down. The scene truly captures Elio's mood after having his heart broken, something we can all truly sympathise with, while incorporating this moving original song written by Stevens.

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Jojo Rabbit
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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).