10 Ingenious Uses Of End Credits Songs In Movies

8. Rain On The Roof – Paddington 2

Jojo Rabbit Taika Waititi

Paddington 2 is truly one of the greatest films of all time. It serves as a laugh out loud comedy, a heart-warming tale with some topical themes, and can truly satisfy an audience of any age.

The film justifies its 100% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes with its end credits scene starring Hugh Grant alone. As the dastardly villain Phoenix Buchanan, Grant absolutely shines as the bitter narcissistic actor, perhaps because it gives him a chance to ridicule the noble profession of acting which he famously loathes. Alongside being given the opportunity to dress up in ridiculous outfits and showcase various characters, Phoenix is finally given a chance to show off his much talked about musical theatre credentials as the credits roll.

Donning a pink prison jumpsuit and accompanied by the rest of the inmates, Grant breaks into song and dance to the obscure Stephen Sondheim song 'Rain on the Roof'. What follows is joyful, camp and hilarious as Grant sings 'listen to the rain on the roof go: pit-pitty-pat, pit-pitty-pat'. A fitting end for Phoenix, who literally has a captive audience, the unexpected musical number is a last treat for audiences who stuck around for the credits. You will have as much fun watching it as Grant obviously had filming it.

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Jojo Rabbit
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An avid cinephile, love Trainspotting (the film, not the hobby), like watching bad films ironically (The Room, Cats) and hate my over-reliance on brackets (they’re handy for a quick aside though).