10 Insane Fan Theories For Upcoming Movies (That Might Actually Be True)

2. Madeleine Blackmailed Vesper Lynd - No Time To Die

The Matrix Neo

The Theory

Madeleine Swann's (Léa Seydoux) big, dark secret is that she was the person who blackmailed Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) into betraying James Bond (Daniel Craig), leading to her suicide at the end of Casino Royale.

Why It Might Be True

It's clear from the trailers that Madeleine's secret is something very, very bad, given that it evidently drives an emotionally fraught wedge between her and 007, and Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) even claims that the secret will be "the death of" Bond.

There aren't many other revelations which would fit that criteria while also circling back to the beginnings of Craig's 007 run, and given how Madeleine is the daughter of Mr. White (Jesper Christensen) of all people, it's not inconceivable that she herself got involved in some shady spycraft in the past.

It'd require some finessed writing to avoid feeling contrived, for sure, but it's tough to imagine what other skeletons Madeleine could believably have in her closet.

Beyond something as tediously predictable as being Safin's (Rami Malek) former lover, anyway, which just doesn't seem enough of a shocking bombshell to fit.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.