10 Insane Fan Theories For Upcoming Movies (That Might Actually Be True)

9. Arthur Fleck Isn't The "Real" Joker - Joker

Joker Joaquin Phoenix
Warner Bros.

The Theory

Arthur Fleck aka The Joker (Joaquin Phoenix) isn't actually the legendary Clown Prince of Crime fans know and love, but ultimately the more grounded inspiration for another criminal who likely takes up his mantle at the end of the film.

Why It Might Be True

As risky a bait-and-switch as this might be, it actually makes a decent amount of sense. For starters, it would slyly create a most unexpected origin story and inspiration for the classic purple-suited Joker, yet without needing to fit him into the gritty aesthetic of Todd Phillips' film.

But above all else, it would explain why "The Joker" is a middle-aged man in this movie while Bruce Wayne (Dante Pereira-Olson) is just a young boy.

Fleck may very well end up dead at the end of the film, but one of his many acolytes will eventually be inspired by his movement, while taking it to a more theatrical level.

Given that the teaser trailer showed brief glimpses of The Joker's makeup-wearing followers, it's easy to believe that at least one of them would decide to become a copycat - and a damn successful one at that.

After all, wouldn't this cheeky switcharoo be a playfully mad trick straight out of The Joker's own playbook?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.