10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

1. Batman Dies

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

Back in 2012, the hype surrounding Christopher Nolan's much-anticipated follow-up to the Dark Knight reached heights rarely seen before or since. The internet swirled with fan theories about what Nolan might have in store for his trilogy-capper, which the director billed as a definitive ending to Batman's story.

The marketing also leaned heavily into the fact The Dark Knight Rises would see the legend of Batman end. Naturally, fans speculated that this meant Batman would in fact perish in his battle with Bane. Nolan, ultimately had a different idea on how to end his story, but the excitement over the prospect of seeing such an iconic character die onscreen had fans buzzing.

WB now has an opportunity to fulfil the promise of the Dark Knight Rises' marketing campaign and actually depict Batman's final moments onscreen. In Flashpoint, Thomas Wayne dies of the injuries he sustained in his battle with Reverse Flash, leaving behind a note for Bruce to read when Barry sees Bruce in his restored timeline. This is one of the most poignant moments in the history of the Caped Crusader's many adventures and The Flash could harness some of this emotional heft.

It is widely-believed that The Flash will indeed be Ben Affleck's last appearance as the character and what better way for him to put his stamp on Bats by being the first Batman to die onscreen, giving him a fitting end to his tenure as the Dark Knight?

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Rogues Flash
DC Comics

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I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.