10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

2. Martha Wayne is Joker

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

As mentioned before, in the Flashpoint timeline young Bruce died instead of his parents, which caused Thomas Wayne to become a much more anti-heroic version of the Caped Crusader.

More disturbing still, the trauma of seeing her young son murdered causes Martha Wayne to lose her mind and transform into the Joker.

Joker is one of DC's premiere characters and his last onscreen appearance in 2019's Joker garnered over a billion dollars at the box office. There have already been two recent portrayals of Joker played by Joaquin Phoenix and Jared Leto, so yet another version of Joker may be one too many, unless it's a radically different interpretation.

A female Joker would be like nothing we've ever seen before and could further expand the character's already formidable hold on our collective imagination.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.