10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

7. Woman Woman Takes Over London

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

Wonder Woman's heel turn didn't stop at murdering the love of her life. The fierce Amazonian also took some time to takeover London and dub it New Themyscira after her homeland. If Flashpoint wants to create an epic feel for its crossover event, showing how much Barry's timeline meddling has effected the world at large would be a visually-arresting way to do it.

Depicting what London would look like after the Amazons take over would also be a great opportunity to add believability to the DCEU's multiverse. In the early days of the DC vs. Marvel comic book wars, one of the key elements Stan Lee attributed to his success over his rival was Lee's decision to set much of his stories in New York. Lee claimed this added a level of believability that DC lacked being largely set in imaginary cities like Metropolis and Gotham.

Making an Amazon-occupied London a central locale in the DC film universe would lend more believability to the DCEU, which would make the enterprise as a whole feel more authentic for fans. It would also provide the DCEU the opportunity to borrow from Marvel while putting a uniquely DC spin on it.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.