10 Insane Flashpoint Moments We Need To See In The Flash

6. Aquaman And Wonder Woman Duke It Out

The Flash Martha Wayne Joker
DC Comics

Zack Snyder's Justice League mentioned the long-standing feud between Amazonians and Atlanteans, even having Jason Momoa's Aquaman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman dialoguing about setting aside their differences for the greater good.

These brief moments have already laid the foundation for one of the central plot developments in Flashpoint: the war between the Amazons and Atlanteans. In Flashpoint's alternate timeline, this war threatens to wipe out civilization as we know it and Cyborg is attempting to cobble together a team of heroes in a last-ditch effort to stop it.

If the DCEU intends to adapt this element from Flashpoint, then it would behoove them to have an epic confrontation between Wonder Woman and Aquaman.

A set-piece pitting the studio's two biggest stars against one another would ignite the fandom while also rewarding the DC faithful that have been paying close attention to the clues and hints the DCEU has dropped thus far.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.